30 in Neon.

Hello everyone, how are you doing? If you are new to my blog, welcome! My name is Joy and I post regular updates of my fashion and style tips. If you haven’t yet subscribed to my blog, hit the follow button below on the right side of your screen, so we stay connected.


When this post goes up, I will be 12 hours away from my 30th birthday!!!!! Super excited that I have learnt from my 20s and ready to discover more in my 30s.


I only started blogging September of 2017, started with baby steps and through these periods, I have gained more insight on how to better share my views on fashion, styling and beauty. In life, you never stop learning, there is room for massive growth and development, there is a lot of potential we all have that we need to key into. So far, I am not exactly where I would love to be, but I am delighted that God brought me this far.


If you follow my instagram page, I did a story previously on how I styled this Cardigan differently, but this time, I dressed it up. Dug out these my River Island shoes (old) that I have had for about 4 years now, styled perfectly with my neon cardigan.


You desire to wear a leggings but not comfortable with your butt hanging out, you style with a long Tee or Shirt, in that way, it covers your butt area. I chose a black long shirt to go over my faux leather Aldo leggings.


Most times I get so complacent with my pin earrings, but I had to consciously put on those earrings from H&M and you can shop for something similar Here


It has been a period of growth for me, both spiritual, mental and physical. I have actively excommunicated things and people that are not healthy for my mind, body and soul. I have conciously built and still building good and healthy relationships, disregarded things and people that have no substance to my personal and subsconscious growth, I have continued to search God’s word and His purpose for me here on earth. 


For this  my new age, I pray I continue to be self aware of who I am, the things I can acheive if I set my mind to do, realise that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13), and I have the spirit of God in me to make be, things that need to be.

Hope you enjoyed this close and personal with a bit of style tip blog post. Don’t forget to leave your comments and suggestions while you hit the fololow button ↓↓ XOXO Joy.

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