Styling Patterned Pants.

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*collaboration with New York & Company.

One thing I lacked in my closet was a multicoloured patterned pants, and I was thrilled when I got invited to partner with them to style pieces from the Gabriel Union, Kate Hudson & Eva Mendes Collections.

I knew straightaway that I needed to get me one of these pants, and luckily I found this in the Eva Mendes collection. The colours are beautiful, the patterns and designs are unique.

To style these pants, I headed over to the Gabriel Union collection and found this lush turtle neck sleeveless top, which was a great blend for the pants.

Accessories– Necklace and Bangles from New York & Company, styled the entire look with my hubby’s Jacket, perplex heels and a black bag.

This look can go for a Business look, Uptown Chic Look, Street Style etc.

To shop my look and more, and for $15 off your entire purchase over $30, use my link below ⬇️ and the code NYCOFANS at checkout.

New York & Company

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