The Tools You Need To Achieve The Perfect Full Brows.

How to achieve A trendy brushed up brows

There is no such thing as perfect hence, your brows can never be perfect. They can be suitable (perfect) for your face structure and can never be exactly the same especially when you have to draw them yourself. Remember, brows are sisters and not twins. Striving to have them to look exactly the same may end up in a disastrous wriggly line across your forehead. It’s best to work with what your natural brows look like.

On today’s blog post, I will share few tips on how to achieve a “perfect” brows.

how to achieve a full eyebrow
how to achieve a full eyebrow
how to achieve a full eyebrow

The first step to achieving a full perfect brows is by having a groomed brows. Be sure to trim, cut, shave, wax, twiz and pluck any excess brow hairs that have over grown. While grooming, follow the desired shape and width that you need. For me, I have naturally full brows and I tend to maintain that shape so I groom according to my natural shape while leaving more to fill in. As you groom, be sure to use your spoolie brush to continuously brush to your desire shape so you see what’s in excess.

I have enjoyed creating the trendy brushed up brows and with a natural full brows, its usually easy for me to achieve those. One of the key tools to achieving a full brushed up brow is a Brow gel and it’s a product I can’t go back on. I currently use the Milk makeup kush fiber brow gel in Grind. It preps my brows in a perfect shape, keeping every strand in place while I fill in.

how to achieve a full eyebrow
how to achieve a full eyebrow

You can choose any brand’s eyebrow pencil to fill in your brows but I have heard good things about the Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz and it’s good. Although I don’t use it often, it’s also a great choice. Remember to clean up excess lines with a concealer or foundation and continuous practice makes perfect.


How to achieve A trendy brushed up brows
How to achieve A trendy brushed up brows

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