The Best Colors To Wear For Your Skin Tone.

colorful outfit combination

Undoubtedly, wearing colorful outfits can be scary, especially for those who don’t wear them. You may be someone who loves colorful pieces but can’t seem to see yourself styling them, because you feel you can’t pull it off nicely. Well today’s blog post is for you, keep reading as I share reasons why I believe you can wear them.

colorful outfits
Colour combination looks
Colourful outfits

While some colors are flattering on a particular skin tone, they can still be worn by anyone with any skin tone. It’s about how the colorful pieces make you feel. Most people think they can’t wear certain colors because it’s too dark or light for their skin tone. Well I’m here to say I have seen people with skin tones lighter than me, wear and style same colors that I have worn and they looked amazing. When I first saw them in those colorful pieces, what came to my mind instantly was “Oh wow they look amazing in that outfit” I don’t think it’s too much or that color doesn’t suit them.

You must have noticed dark skinned people wear brown and earthy tones and they look great and the next day, they wear some neon Orange or green piece and they still look phenomenal. It’s all about feeling confident in whatever shade you have on!

To be more precise about what colors suit your skin tone, articles have stated that you determine your undertone through the color of the veins on your wrist. That way, you can best know what colors are flattering on your skin.

colorful outfit ideas
color combination looks
colorful spring outfits

There is a belief that wearing colorful pieces can come off looking cheap so it’s advisable stick to whites, creams, blacks and beige because these shades tend to speak Class, Chic and Stylish. Oh well, that’s a myth because I have seen phenomenal clothing pieces with expensive price tags in bright bold colors. You only have to be thoughtful when pairing colorful pieces, because there’s nothing absolutely cheap looking about wearing colorful pieces. While neutral tones are easier to style, they don’t make them any better than colorful pieces for any skin tone.

bold colorful looks
bold colorful looks

This is in no way trying to downplay neutral pieces, but projecting the notion that all pieces are beautiful on any skin tone. As mentioned earlier, there are certain shades that are complimentary to dark skin tones i.e Burnt orange, Mustard yellow or any shade of yellow, always look fantastic on a dark skinned person. While those shades look great on dark skins, it doesn’t mean a light/fair skinned lady can’t wear them. Pastels may seem too light on a fair skinned lady because it tends to wash them out, and may look outstanding on a dark skinned lady because their skin tone will create a contrast for the pastel piece, but doesn’t mean a light to medium skin lady can’t wear them. After all, Pastel is the color for spring and I have seen loads of fair skinned people wear them and look amazing.

colorful spring looks
colorful spring outfits

I hope you did enjoy this post, don’t forget to leave your comments and suggestions while you subscribe with your email address. Also stay connected with me on Instagram @joyebenspiff.and Youtube Joy Eben-Spiff.. You can shop some Spring outfit inspiration on my LIKETOKNOW.IT page.

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