How To Treat Acne and Acne Spots.

Acne treatments

This may sound ironic coming from someone who doesn’t have existing acne. However, I used to have persistent acne and the last time I saw an active one is about 3 years ago. These are the things I did and continuously do to treat or prevent acne and acne scars.

how to treat acne and acne spots
best way to treat acne and acne scarring

It is important to note that acne scars are one of the major causes for hyperpigmentation. The moment to start treating hyperpigmentation, you will begin to see a clearer and more even skin tone that will be free from acne scars.

  1. Never sleep with your makeup on.
  2. Always cleanse you face twice daily whether you wore makeup or not.
  3. Using sunscreen daily, will gradually fade dark spots and acne scar. I saw a drastic difference in my skin when I consistently applied sunscreen.
  4. Wash your makeup brushes regularly (at least after two uses) because germs begin to store up in those sponges and brushes.
  5. Switching out your facial towels everyday/two. Some people opt to use facial tissues because they don’t store up bacteria which may cause acne.
  6. Wearing less to no makeup everyday. Ensuring that your makeup is light and airy is a great steps to unclogging your pores for easy sebum extraction. These makeup products tend to clog our pores especially when we wear them too often in heavy looks, without washing them off properly.
  7. Consistently exfoliating your skin helps to remove dead skin and in turn reveal a brighter and youthful skin with less acne.
  8. Using facial steams to open up your pores and prepare them for extraction.
  9. Facial steaming prevents and reduces acne. It is advisable to steam your face at least once a week or bi weekly. They also help your skincare products penetrate better.
  10. Facial steaming helps clear breakouts faster. I hope you enjoyed this blog post, be sure to stay connected with me on Instagram @joyebenspiff. TIKTOK  and Pinterest Simplystylebyj.
The benefits of using an eye cream

I hope you enjoyed this blog post, be sure to stay connected with me on Instagram @joyebenspiff. TIKTOK  and Pinterest Simplystylebyj


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