Fall Winter Body Care Products.

best shower oil

Yes winter is coming. Fall is here, so will Winter gradually come and with that, comes drier skin. If you already have dry skin, you know that Fall Winter is the time to really up your body care products when it comes to keeping your skin deeply moisturized and hydrated.

There is a clear difference between hydrated skin and moisturized skin. Once you know the difference, you would understand that every skin type needs to stay hydrated during Fall Winter.

While there are body care products that we need to up for the coming Fall Winter season, there are other skin care routines we need to cut back on, in other to get the maximum hydration our skin needs. This is the time to double up on your body moisturizers, body oils and body butters. If there is a way, you need to layer all three for that extra deep hydration.

I found out that one of the best ways to kick start the process, is by introducing shower oils or bath oils to your routine. This step has helped me tremendously. I typically have dry or extra dry skin especially in the colder months, using a bath oil or shower oil while in the shower, is the first step to keeping your skin moisturized. I don’t need to use a body moisturizer or body butter immediately I get out of the shower, because the bath oil keeps my skin moisturized.

Scaling back on dry brushing also helps the skin during Fall winter. Inasmuch as dry brushing helps with exfoliating dead skin cells, too much of it can irritate the skin especially in the colder months. Now, I dry brush twice a month or once in three weeks.

How to layer your body care products for Fall Winter.

Layering your body moisturizers, balms and butter is a great way to lock in moisture for your skin. The colder months are so dry that they take away your skin’s natural oils. In other to avoid your skin from being dehydrated, it is best to layer your products in this order. Use moisturizing shower gels, to provide moisture to your skin. While in the shower, apply a bath oil or shower oil for more moisture and hydration. Next, you seal that hydration from the shower with a body butter.

I started using the Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Body Oil Mist and it is truly moisturizing. I prefer it to the Neutrogena body oil for an after shower routine, while the Neutrogena one serves as a good shower oil.

What does body butter do for the skin
Benefits of using body butters

Stay connected with me on Instagram @joyebenspiff.and Youtube Joy Eben-Spiff.. This post contains affiliate links from various retailers who may pay me a commission for any purchase you make directly from those links at no additional costs to you!.


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